
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
03 SEP

Denmark gets its own unique 3D imaging centre

Armed with northern Europe’s biggest imaging centre, Denmark now plays a central role in the growing use of X-ray and neutron imaging.

Physics Energy and supply IT and cyber security Construction and mechanics Wind energy
Illustration: Gert K. Nielsen
23 APR

Wind turbines to venture out into the deep sea

Floating offshore wind turbines are gaining ground. A new Danish project aims to make it cheaper and easier to produce floating foundations for deep water.

Energy and supply Wind energy Energy production Construction and mechanics
Photo: LM Wind Power
20 MAR

Here is the world’s largest wind turbine blade

LM Wind Power has—in collaboration with DTU—developed a new hybrid material which makes it possible to build the world’s largest wind turbine blades.

Wind energy Materials Innovation and product development Materials technology
09 JAN

BIO4SELF has the formula for sustainable materials that could be used for wind...

At the project BIO4SELF researchers study bio-based materials, with the vision to develop sustainable materials for many purposes in the industry. The researchers from...

Materials Wind energy Materials technology
17 JUN

Ultra strong fully bio based composite materials from the BIO4SELF project

DTU Wind Energy is part of the newly launched Horizon 2020 project BIO4SELF. Within this innovation project and as a part of a European consortium DTU Wind Energy will...

Materials Wind energy Materials technology
Photo: DTU
18 JAN

They break turbine blades at Risø

Experiments run in a test hall on DTU Risø Campus demonstrate when, where and how turbine blades break.

Wind energy Energy efficiency Energy production Engineering
Photo: Joachim Rode
02 NOV

Three researchers about to defend their doctoral theses

Three DTU researchers will defend their doctoral theses this autumn.

Construction and mechanics Wind energy Catalysis Marine research
Photo: Siemens Press Picture
03 OCT

Sustainable blades on the turbines

The blades on today’s giant wind turbines are simply enormous. And they have to be able to withstand extreme impacts. This is quite a challenge, but the wind industry has...

Wind energy Materials Materials technology

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5 MAY 2024